
Documentation for infrabot

Infrabot Service

Infrabot service can work:

  • As Windows Service (recommended)
  • From Command promt - manual startup needed if server restarted

Windows Service

To run infrabot service search services.msc in start menu and open it.Find service in the services list and click Start from the context menu.

Command promt

To run infrabot from the command promt navigate to infrabot installation directory in cmd and run infrabot.exe file. You wll have to run manually infrabot if it is not installed as service after system reboot. It is recommended to use command promt mode during troubleshooting when infrabot windows service crashes after startup. You will see a reason of the crash in the command promt.

  • Change directory to infrabot folder (by default C:\Program Files\

  • Run infrabot.exe

Reinstalling Service

If you decide to move infrabot from one folder to another and if you want infrabot still operate like windows service, you will have to reinstall service. In order to do that:

  • Run Command promt as administrator

  • Change directory to your new destination

  • Run infrabot.exe --install