
Documentation for infrabot

Plugin Editor

Plugin Editor is a tool which can help you to create or modify plugins.

Plugin editor has two main tabs:

  1. Plugin configuration - is a tab containing plugin configuration fields
  2. Files - is a tab which leads to temporary folder containing plugin files which will be imported to plugin on save

Plugin configuration

Plugin configuration tab contains main plugin settings. Decription of each setting is shown below in table.

Parameter Type Description
Name String This parameter specifies plugin Name.
Guid String This parameter specifies plugin`s unique GUID. This is a read-only parameter. GUID is generated once during plugin creation.
Author String This parameter specifies plugin`s Author name.
Version String This parameter specifies plugin`s Version.
WebSite String This parameter specifies author`s WebSite URL.
Help String This parameter specifies detailed plugin information with usage examples. Value of this field will be returned to user if ? specfiied after command.
/your_command ?
Help short String This parameter specifies short plugin description. Value of this field will be returned to user when user sends /getcommands commandlet to bot. Also value of this field is shown in chat main menu.
Execution command String This parameter specifies exact execution command to which bot should react. Value of this field is NOT case sensitive. It is mandatory to begin all commands with / character.
Execute file String This parameter specifies file to execute. Since all files of the plugin wil be extracted to %infrabot_installation_directory%/plugins/%plugin_guid_number% directory, this folder will be considered as root folder for the plugin and path to executable file must be specified relatively.


Default error message String This parameter specifies default error for command if none of the answer result checks matches or script (or application) execution fails. {DATA} - will be replaced with all arguments which have been sent to command. {RESULT} - will be replaced with output received from your script or executable.
Server with name "{DATA}" was not restarted! Error is : {RESULT}!
Execute type Option This parameter specifies how to execute this plugin. It can be either PowerShell script or Custom executable application. Based on this value infrabot will determine how to execute file specified in Execute file field.
Execute results Array list This parameter specifies how to check result returned from script or executable. If Execute results list is empty, then all output will be returned to chat without any checks.

Execute results

Execute results are required if there is a necessity to return specific answers based on the execution result output (example 1). In order to achieve execution result checks, various check types have been implemented.

Parameter Option Description
Check type (If result) String This parameter specifies how to check output with the Value. Check types are:

  • Equals to
  • Not equals
  • Greater than
  • Less than
  • Contains
  • Starts with
  • Ends with
  • Not contains
  • Not starts with
  • Not ends with
  • Ignore case equals to
  • Ignore case contains
  • Ignore case starts with
  • Ignore case ends with
  • Ignore case not contains
  • Ignore case not starts with
  • Ignore case not ends with
Value String This parameter specifies exact value to check with the execution output.
Output String This parameter specifies output to return to chat if check is succeded. {DATA} - specified in this string will be replaced with all arguments which have been sent to command. {RESULT} - will be replaced with output received from your script or executable.

If we want just show all output to the chat without any checks, then all items in the Execute results window must be cleaned (example 2). Sending arguments to commandlet will still be possible. Logic of using of those arguments should be implemented in the script or application itself.

NOTE: After setting value for each parameter save () button must be pressed. Selected execute result does not automatically save on switch.


When the plugin is newly created temporary folder will be created in %current_user_temp_folder%\%plugin_guid% folder where %plugin_guid% is a GUID of the plugin. To add files into the plugin, all files must be copied to this directory. To open folder press button.

When an existing plugin is opened for modification, a temporary folder will be created, with full data extraction there. To add (or remove) files into the plugin press the button on Files tab. When you save the plugin all data in the temporary folder will be added into the plugin. Note that all directory structure will remain as intended.